
Publications and Other Research Productivity, AIM-AHEAD

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Journal Name:
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Publication Authors:
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AIM-AHEAD Acknowledgement?:
Is the Publication a direct result of AIM-AHEAD?:
First Author ORCID #:
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Is One or More Author an Underrepresented Minority (URM)?:
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Is the Lead Author an URM?:
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Publication DOI/URL:

Peer-Reviewed Publication?:
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Does the Publication Involve Collaborative Research?:
Collaborative Research Disciplines (List all that apply):
(i.e. Data Science, Biology)

Research Presented at Conference?:
Conference Impact:
Conference Visibility:
Which of the following best describes the Research or other AI-related information in this Publication? (Check all that apply):
Innovative Approach(es) - List all that apply:
(i.e. Enhanced Efficiency, Improved Accuracy, Ethical Outcomes)

What Additional Research Productivity does this Research Involve? (Check all that apply)::